9 images that will inspire you to visit Honolulu, Oahu, Hawaii

Welcome to Honolulu, the biggest city and capital of the state of Hawaii (USA). Located on the island of Oahu, and hosting visitors at about 105ªF / 40ªC on any August day, it invites you to roam around in your automatic convertible, to visit its well-known beaches, and to freshen up in its waters (never under 23-24ºC). Have you still not visited? Here, some inspiration if you still need that little push to visit this wonderful place. Enjoy!Did you know that Hawaiian language has only 13 letters? The famous word Aloha is used as a common greeting, translated as hello, goodbye, and even thank you. For Hawaiians, though, aloha is a much wider concept – it is love, affection, peace, compassion and mercy. Aloha Spirit is the motivation of each individual to connect with themselves and express their thoughts and feelings towards others. It is the coordination of mind and heart within each person. It implies mutual affection and warmth with no obligation in return, to coexist, sharing happiness. It is a gift that cures the spirit. Surfing is a remarkable sport on the islands of Hawaii. There, international championships are held, and it is even considered the home of surfing. This sport has been known for over 500 years on the islands of Polynesia; and it was already practiced in Hawaii when captain Cook arrived in 1778. This statue, named Makua and Kila was built in honor to the Hawaiian values of love and respect for Ohana (family) and the Ocean. Do not forget to dance on the waves when on your visit to the hula islands! 🙂 Waikiki beach belongs to the Honolulu suburb holding the same name, and it is worldwide famous due to being surrounded by the vast majority of the hotels in the capital. Its crystal clear waters, less wavy than the ones in the North Shore, welcome the whole family. On top of that, the area offers entertainment for everyone, from the beach to the active nightlife, shopping centres and even free hula shows in the streets. Even being an artificial one, Waikiki beach is full of surfers all year round. It is fair to say that those looking for bigger waves in winter should definitely check out the North Shore. 😉 Never stop smiling!! 🙂 Hard to stop while being in Hawaii, I must say… High hotel buildings, shopping centres and beaches is NOT everything Honolulu has to offer. Wandering around its many parks and recreational areas is a must. Especially as you leave the centre and approach the more residential areas. Biking is for sure a very nice and doable option. Hawaii’s climate, open areas, the Ocean breeze, and all of its beautiful parks make locals live their daily life outside. Don’t forget to take your time to wander around and go for walks then you visit. Do as the locals do. Honolulu is perhaps the Hawaiian place where you’ll best see the influence of being part of the United States. Whomever has been to this country already knows that they like everything big. Here, you can see the very ample roads – seven lanes just for one direction. Don’t forget: you drive on the right, sitting on the left, and generally, automatic cars (careful trying to find the clutch, you readers used to drive manual!). Sand Island is not a very touristy spot, or at least not so well known. It is a little island that belongs to Honolulu, where detention camps took place from the Pearl Harbor attack until March 1943 – thus its former name, Quarantine Island. Nowadays, there’s a recreational park, a camping and fishing area, and it is very nice to take a walk by its coastline. Honolulu can be observed by its shore, even while surfing and swimming. Access is restricted in some areas due to the port traffic – so please, mind the signs. And now… what are you waiting for to go and visit Honolulu? 🙂

Movies on travel and adventure

There are so many, and I am already imagining the part two to this post. But until then, here are my 9 + 5 movies on travel and adventure. For families, pairs or solo travelers. To be inspired, to learn, to be entertained and to keep in mind… and not make the same mistakes others did before us! To the solo traveler Eat, pray, love *[introspective journey] I used to have this appetite for food, for life… and it’s just gone Story about a female traveller and her journey to find herself when she knows something is  wrong, and is in search of something different. I wanna go someplace where I can marvel at something Based on a true story, it narrates Liz Gilbert’s (Julia Roberts) journey to self-discovery. She had everything one typically dreams of: stable and successful job, a nice house and a husband; but she feels unfulfilled, lost and unhappy. After ending her marriage, she kisses goodbye her comfortable house and risks everything, to go on a journey throughout Italy, India and Indonesia, to find herself. Your life is changing And that’s not a bad thing Click to see more info about Eat, Pray, Love on IMDB. 127 hours [*contains delicate scenes for sensitive public] An adventurous cyclist takes a journey through the desert, unannounced and under-ready, and he becomes trapped amongst the beauty and tough scene that surrounds him. Based on a true story, this movie narrates the solo adventure of Aaron Ralston, played by James Franco. It catches the attention of the solo traveller, especially because it does not only show the fun side of it and the opportunities of growth, but also the consequences of not taking precautions and being cautious There is no force on Earth more powerful than the will to live Clicl to see more info about 127 hours on IMDB. Wild If your nerve deny you, go above your nerve Reese Witherspoon plays the role of a woman who travels solo for over a thousand miles, after living terrible moments in her personal life. Harsh story, pain, and a strong woman who fights for self-improvement and overcoming difficulties. What if I forgive myself? What if I was sorry? But if I could go back in time, I wouldn’t do a single thing differently. What if all of those things I did were the things that got me here? Click to see more info about Wild on IMDB. The Way Tom (Martin Sheen) receives a phone call from France, to communicate him that his son, an adventurous young man who was doing the Camino de Santiago by himself, died during a storm. Tom travels to France to pick up his son’s remains, and ends up living a great adventure, and understanding (maybe too late) why his son loved traveling and adventure so much. A movie that moves you. You don’t choose a life, dad, you live one Click to see more info about The Way on IMDB. Into the Wild Happiness is only real when shared A young man (Emile Hirsch) who has family problems and frustrations, finishes university and decides to leave everything behind, to hitch-hike to Alaska, where he hopes to find the meaning of life and to reencounter with Nature. He disappears, even changing his name, to reclaim freedom, playing with his own death. Based on a true story, such of Christopher McCandless. Worth seeing. Happiness is only real when shared Click to see more info about Into the Wild on IMDB. To the one who believes in it’s never too late The big year Most people wake up one day and realize they didn’t do everything they wanted to Three men in crisis: mid-life crisis (Owen Wilson), work-life crisis (Steve Martin), and the no-life crisis (Jack Black), decide to embark the adventure of their lives, participating in an anual competition of bird-watching. They will compete, explore, get to know each other and make some dreams come true. The year to do all of the things we never could This is my year, I’m gonna make my mark Click to see more info about The big year on IMDB. The Bucket List – (…) we’re supposed to make a list of all the things we wanted to do in our life before we kick the bucket – We could do this. We should do this Two terminally ill men become friends and decide to face cancer in a different way: accomplishing their bucket list before the final day, embarking themselves into a trip together. It is very interesting and wonderful to see how two completely different men (a millionaire and a mechanic) get united to make their dreams come true. Find the joy in your life Click to see more info about The Bucket List on IMDB. The secret life of Walter Mitty Life is about courage and going into the unknown This movie, whose main character is played by Ben Stiller, is a remake of such of 1947 under the same name. Walter is a shy employee in an publishing company, who dreams about being the hero of amazing adventures… until his dream comes true – an extraordinary adventure, better than any he could have ever imagined. I love mysteries. There are parts that you think can’t connect, and then in the end they do A very inspiring, eye-opening movie: any person can reach their dreams. 🙂 Stop dreaming Start living Click to see more info about The Secret Life of Walter Mitty on IMDB. Crocodile Dundee My first trip anywhere In the land down under, in the Australian outback, lives an eccentric crocodile hunter considered a hero in his area. Where a man thinks on his feet, speaks with his fists, and lives by his wits. A New York reporter decides to visit him to document his life, and once in Australia, she convinces him to accompany her to New York. The Australian then enters the biggest adventure of his life. A legendary figure about to encounter a world more treacherous than any he has ever known I loved watching this movie when I came back from Australia. His accent is authentic, they play a bit with the typical topics,

TOP activities to do in Tenerife

There are SO many activities to do on the island of Tenerife. I love number 9, so here, I introduce you to my top 9 must-do activities on the island. 1. Walk – hiking Walking can be done in many places throughout the island, with a vast variety of scenery and difficulty. I’d say go on the registered trails, as some can be dangerous to do by oneself without guidance. Also, please do not go alone, bring enough water, and follow the local recommendations. And, of course – enjoy!! 🙂 This is me a few years back, on the peak of Spain, on the island of Tenerife. Such an incredible, recommended hike – one of my most favorite ever. You get to an altitude of almost four thousand meters! It is also a super accessible hike, both getting to the trail, and moving between the mountain and the ocean shore. Imagine this: the same morning I was at the top of El Teide wearing my snow gear, I was sailing in my swimwear on the South coast. 2. Go underwater – diving/ freediving/ snorkeling I know, I know… this is not one but a group of activities… Whichever you choose, you need to explore the underwater life, the bottom of the Tenerife waters and its unique and endemic species. Please, do respect the fauna and flora around you – remember that you are the visitor; and apply the basic safety on all underwater activities, always going with a buddy and with the proper certification. Enjoy, being safe! I am a lover of the underwater world, and am passionate about these three sport disciplines. Are you in Tenerife and want to learn how to dive? Leave your comment below! I’ll teach you!* [click here to dive with me!] If you dive, please bring your diver ID, diver insurance, and make sure you have a dive buddy! (Also, if you need to know where to rent your material or book a nice dive, drop me a comment below!*). If you freedive, Tenerife will also be your paradise. International freediving championships are held each year on this Atlantic island, home of Apnea Academy West Europe, which welcomes Umberto Pelizzari each year. If you are keen to explore without getting too extreme, you can enjoy snorkeling! We have plenty of safe beaches and crystal clear spots to catch sight of the world below the surface. Check out this video of one of my most favorite organized adventures on the island! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZlgcA4niGOg 3. Get under land – speleology Tenerife is home to some of the most amazing volcanic tubes in the World, and specifically to the longest one in Europe. Globally, it is only outstripped by some in the Hawaii islands. Visiting Cueva del Viento is a great approach to vulcanology, a magnificent way to get to know the island to its core. 🙂   4. Navigate the skies – paragliding In Tenerife, there are several spots to jump from and go paragliding. To the one who has never tried, I must say, it is an experience like no other. The nervousness one gets before jumping absolutely disappears once the feet are off the ground and you let yourself go. Suddenly, a feeling of tranquility and peace surrounds your body as you see the skies before you and the land under your feet. Tenerife is definitely a place to navigate the skies, be it for the first time, or one more to add to the check-list. (More adventure in the heights: Forestal Park Tenerife, at night!) 5. Taste – gastronomy Canarian food is something Canarians are very proud of, and we have strong reasons to be!! 🙂 Well, if you like eating and appreciate trying new flavors, that is! There are many dishes that are worth trying. Please, do so with the locals, in a Canarian restaurant, or in an authentic guachinche (a place where food is served, with a homey environment and similar to, although not-so-much, a restaurant). 6. Observe the stars – astronomy Being home to some of the best skies in the world*, the amazing firmament can be clearly viewed from many spots on the island. My favorite best is the National Park of El Teide. From up there, the Milky Way and wonderful constellations can be easily spotted throughout most of the year. Many tinerfeños (demonym for people from Tenerife) enjoy the Perseids Meteor Shower roughly every month of August, when el Llano de Ucanca becomes the playground for the night: Night photography at its best! *The Canary Islands are recognized as some of the best sky friendly and sky accessible locations in the world. They are one of the three best spots in the world to observe the sky, together with the Hawaii Islands and Chile. Also in these three locations, observatories are found, as well as the world giant telescopes. The island of La Palma holds the world’s largest single-aperture optical telescope, famous GranTeCan, Gran Telescopio de Canarias or GTC, of which Canarians also take pride. 7. Capture the beauty that surrounds you – photography When you’re a photography lover, you seek opportunities to embrace the beauty that surrounds you, be it landscape, be it people, be it Nature. In Tenerife you have the chance to practice your skills and to be involved with the environment that will undoubtedly welcome you and make you want to stay for longer. 8. Slide on the water – kayaking/ surfing Tenerife is home for international championships of many sports, amongst them, surfing. Apart from this, it is not only perfect for surfing and bodyboarding, but also for kayaking when/ where the Ocean waves are calmer. From Puerto de la Cruz or El Socorro in the North of the island, to Las Américas or El Médano in the South, waves show their sensual moves to excited surfers. And in places like Los Gigantes, the ocean remains peaceful to attract sliders to enjoy the coastline and even crystal clear waters. If you like the ocean, this is

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