Tube map, Walk the Tube map

Transport for London released an alternative version of their Tube Map (you know, the underground! 😉 ). It is called the Walk the Tube map, and it shows how long it takes to commute, by foot, between stations!! 🙂 [su_document url=»»] A Transport for London spokesperson declared that We are investing heavily in improving walking and cycling routes across London, with all the health benefits they bring. So they focused on central London (zones 1 and 2), and showed how some journeys (Covent Garden <-> Leicester Square; Mansion House <-> Cannon Street) take less than five minutes walk; and some others are actually worth getting your tube pass working. For example, Euston and South Hampstead are only one stop away, and it takes more than 50 minutes to accomplish it on foot! Some have dared to prove that sometimes, taking the tube, is not only wasting money but time too!! [su_youtube_advanced url=»» responsive=»no» showinfo=»no» rel=»no» fs=»no» modestbranding=»yes»] Can’t wait to go back to London and try that ourselves!!